Workers' Comp Lawyer
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You Have Three Years to File a Claim Don't Lose Your Opportunity to Collect the Support You Need
If three years sounds like more than enough time to worry about filing a workers' comp claim, our attorneys urge you to reconsider. It's not just that time inevitably passes more quickly than you think it will when you are dealing with the fallout of a work injury; it's also much easier for you to present a strong case for compensation the sooner you involve an attorney.
Don't wait any longer to schedule your free consultation with our lawyers. We collect absolutely nothing unless we achieve a gainful outcome for you.

Write to us or call our Chicago office directly:
A $483,000 Victory Kept an Injured Roofer Able to Work
Rubin & Machado tried a case and won a $483,000 verdict for a 35-year-old roofer who fell from the roof of a two-story house, tearing his anterior cruciate ligament. The surgical repair of the ligament resulted in a complete recovery and return to work.

What Is Workers' Compensation?
Workers' compensation (commonly called "workers' comp") is a form of insurance that employers must carry in order to provide for their employees when workplace injuries occur. Through a workers' compensation claim, injured workers in Illinois can seek compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. Family members of workers who have been killed on the job can also file workers' comp claims.
In a perfect world, employers and their insurance companies would do right by their employees and honor their workers' comp claims. However, in the real world, claims are often unfairly denied. That's why injured workers in Chicago turn to our workers' compensation lawyers.
If you are preparing to file a workers' compensation claim or you need to appeal a claim that has been denied, request a free consultation with the law firm of Rubin & Machado. We can help you build a strong case and negotiate with the insurance company so that you achieve your best possible outcome.
"We can help you build a strong case and negotiate with the insurance company so that you achieve your best possible outcome."
Injured on the Job?
Book a Free Consultation
When you experience a workplace injury, Rubin & Machado in Chicago, IL, can help you access all the workers' compensation benefits available to you. If you try to file your claim on your own, the insurance company may take advantage of you. You can greatly increase your chances of success by working with our workers' comp lawyers.
We are happy to offer totally free consultations to workplace injury victims. You can request your free consultation right now by calling our Chicago, IL, law office.
Call Us: (312) 327-1840

You Have a Right to Claim Compensation
If you've been injured on the job, it is your legal right to file a workers' comp claim.
Examples of Work Injuries
A workplace accident can happen to anyone, but physical laborers like construction workers, operators of heavy machinery, and warehouse employees are especially vulnerable to work injuries. If you fall from a scaffolding, slip and fall, hurt yourself while lifting equipment, or experience any other kind of injury while working, you have the right to file a workers' compensation claim.
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Injuries sustained over time by constantly repeating the same motions can be just as debilitating as injuries sustained in dramatic crashes or falls. Employees who spend all day typing, scanning barcodes, or performing other repetitive tasks can suffer lasting harm to the tissues in their hands, necks, and elsewhere. These repetitive stress injuries are also grounds for workers' comp claims.
Some lines of work put employees at higher risk of developing serious illnesses or other health conditions. For example, if your work regularly exposes you to unclean air or toxic chemicals, you may contract lung disease or certain cancers as a result. If you suspect that a recent diagnosis is related to your employment, our Chicago workers' compensation attorneys can investigate.
How Common Are Workplace Injuries?
Workers' Comp in Chicago How Illinois Compensation Laws Will Affect Your Case
An employee’s eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits depends on whether he or she can prove the injury occurred 1) while working and 2) as a result of performing a job-related duty or responsibility. The injury does not necessarily need to have occurred during normal work hours.
In Illinois, an injured worker is entitled to workers' compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault for the injury. It does not matter whether the incident was caused by your own carelessness or by your employer's failure to create a safe work environment—you can still file a claim.
No Lawsuits
In almost all circumstances, injured workers in Illinois cannot file personal injury lawsuits against their employers. Their only avenue to receive compensation for their injuries is through workers' compensation claims. However, in some scenarios, third parties (such as product developers who created a faulty piece of equipment) may bear liability for workplace accidents. When our workers' comp lawyers review the details of your case, they will recommend a legal approach that can help you achieve the best outcome.
"These cases can be long and arduous, but with our dedicated lawyers by your side, you have the greatest chance of eventually receiving a fair settlement."
What to Expect in a Workers' Comp Case
Act Now
If three years sounds like more than enough time to worry about filing a workers' comp claim, our attorneys urge you to reconsider. It's much easier for you to present a strong case for compensation the sooner you involve an attorney.