Personal Injury Lawyer
Have you suffered physical harm or financial loss due to another individual's irresponsible, negligent behavior?
You can file a personal injury lawsuit to seek the compensation you deserve to make up for your losses and move forward confidently.
Our Chicago, IL, personal injury attorneys have won many multi-million dollar cases. Speak to us to see if we can do the same for you.
Talk to Us For Free
Our Chicago personal injury attorneys understand just how debilitating car accidents, truck accidents, slip and falls, and defective products can be. Instead of adding financial burdens to our clients' lives, we charge absolutely nothing upfront for our representation, only getting paid a percentage of any verdict or settlement we obtain. Call or write now.
(312) 327-1840

Categories of Personal
Injury Compensation
Some injured individuals never seek the compensation they need simply because they are unaware of just how many areas of life they can receive damages for in a personal injury claim. These include:
- Caregiving expenses
- Future medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Medical bills
- Mental anguish
- Physical pain
- Property damage
- Reduced future earnings
How to Know If You Have a Case
There are four key elements our personal injury lawyers must prove to win any personal injury case.
Duty of Care
First and foremost, our personal injury law firm has to determine if whoever caused your accident owed you a duty of care. For example, any driver on a public road owes a duty of care to other drivers.
Breach of Duty
The next crucial aspect of personal injury law is proving that the duty was breached. In continuing to use a car accident as an example, a breach of duty could be a driver who was texting while they caused your crash.
Even if the first two elements are clear, our Chicago personal injury lawyers still have to prove causation. This means we have to show that it is more likely than not that the car crash would not have occurred without the texting.
All of the above is largely irrelevant if the crash did not result in physical injury or property damage. If it did cause quantifiable suffering, our law firm can demand major compensation for any and all losses.
Talk to Proven Attorneys
Attorney Emilio E. Machado has been practicing law since 1985. His many honors include being elected to the Illinois State Bar Association Assembly and earning a listing in Chicago Magazine as one of the Top Attorneys in Illinois.
Attorney Edward M. Rubin received his law degree in 1979. In the nearly half-a-century since, he has been an Assistant State's Attorney, a requested speaker at Chicago Bar Association seminars, and earned selection as an Illinois Leading Lawyer.
Reach out to us now to get help from attorneys who have been recognized as some of the best in the entire state. Visiting our personal injury law office in Chicago for a consultation costs you nothing. Our team has attorneys who are fluent in Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL).
(312) 327-1840

Another 6-Figure Win
We won a $483,000 verdict for a 35-year-old roofer who fell from the roof of a 2-story house under construction.
The Right Lawyer Can Make a Major Difference

If you have never been involved in a personal injury case, you may be unaware of the fact that Illinois operates under modified comparative negligence. Essentially, this means that you can only recover compensation if you are not found to be the primary cause of your accident. If you are determined to be 51% responsible, you get nothing.
In a winning case, the amount you receive can fluctuate greatly. For example, if it is determined that you were only at-fault for 10% of your car crash, you can get 90% of the total compensation available. On the other hand, if you are found to be 40% responsible you can only get 60% of the total damages.
As the difference of a few percentage points can potentially add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, choosing the right lawyer can truly change your life. Our personal injury lawyers have won six, seven, and even eight-figure cases.
How to Help Yourself
Admit Nothing
It can be tempting to speak about your case. Some people reflexively apologize to others involved, even if they did nothing wrong. It is highly advised that you stay totally silent about your accident. Anything you say can be twisted out of context to harm your claim.
See a Doctor
Your health is the most important thing. Many accidents have slow-to-develop injuries. You should see a doctor as soon as possible so they can protect you. Failing to do so can be construed as evidence that you did not actually suffer tangible harm from your accident.
Save Evidence
Any photos, videos, or documents that you have should be saved and duplicated on multiple devices. This ensures that yourself and our personal injury lawyers will always have access to them. Save everything – our law firm often finds evidence that isn't obvious to clients.
Medical Malpractice Success
We obtained a $5,350,000.00 settlement for a 35-year-old woman who suffered due to a medical professional's failure to diagnose lupus.