Seek Justice for Suffering Inflicted by a Defective Medical Device
Medical technology has enabled huge advances in healthcare. However, when a medical device fails or causes unexpected side effects, it can enormously undermine patient health. If you or a family member has been injured or has died as the result of a defective medical device, contact Rubin & Machado, Ltd. now to seek the justice you deserve.
Our team of attorneys in Chicago, IL, has handled over 50 combined years' worth of personal injury cases. Over the decades, we have developed extensive resources and strategies to help our clients pursue medical malpractice lawsuits against manufacturing companies who have neglected their responsibility to provide safe products. Working with a medical device lawyer significantly improves your chances of securing the restitution you need to move forward with your life.

Why File a Claim?
When you or a loved one are injured during a medical procedure, it can have lasting consequences on nearly all aspects of your lives. Defective medical products can directly impact your health, causing infection, organ failure, or even death. Malfunctioning pacemakers, implants, and other devices can leave you unable to work, visit family, or even walk around the house. As a result, it can not only impact your income, but can also significantly undermine your quality of life.
If you have suffered emotionally, physically, or financially due to a defective medical device, you may be entitled to compensation. Potential compensation may include payment for:
- Lost wages
- Medical expenses
- Cost of disability
- Loss of consortium
Hiring a lawyer to represent your claim is the best method of protection.
Who Can be Held Responsible?
There are many ways a medical device can become defective: if it is poorly designed, badly manufactured, or inaccurately marketed. Each step of the process is essential to ensuring that the final product is safe for patients.
Over the decades, we have developed extensive knowledge, resources, and strategies to help our clients persevere over manufacturing companies who have neglected their responsibility to provide safe products.
The designer must make sure that the device is adequately tested and regulated before going to consumers. The manufacturer must make sure that they use the most appropriate materials and that no safety corners are cut to save money in production. The marketer must make sure that the the device's function is clear and that it is targeted at the right audience. If any part of this process is done poorly, it can lead to life-altering or ending consequences. The defendant held responsible may consequently change from case to case.
Diligent Defective Medical Device Lawyers
Our defective medical device attorneys can advocate on your behalf against the manufacturing company. Strong legal representation is of the utmost importance: most medical companies have the resources to hire skilled attorneys to fight your claim.
A defective medical device lawyer at Rubin & Machado, Ltd. can provide your with sound legal counsel, vigorous representation, and the sensitivity you and your family needs at this time. Additionally, if you are more comfortable speaking in Spanish, several of our staff members are fluent.
Compassionate & Actionable Legal Representation
You should not suffer in silence. If you believe that a defective medical device has led to your injuries, contact us online or call us today at (312) 327-1840 to discuss your claim.