Rubin & Machado, Ltd

Changes after a personal injury accident: sometimes it is the little things

Oct 20, 2015 @ 12:26 PM — by emachado
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The inflammation that results from trauma to the body after an accident is often the root of significant pain.  The pain limits activities after an accident.  Our clients have tears in their eyes as they describe their frustration with unexpected effects of their accidents.  No one wants to experience the interruption to their life that a personal injury incident brings.

Our attorneys have incredible experience in personal injury litigation.  Our professional lives are rooted in maximizing our clients' recovery.  We have a wide breadth of knowledge regarding the law, medicine and negotiation skills.  Yet, we are continually engaged in learning more, researching more and experiencing more of what the personal injury law field offers.  Our attorneys and our clients are co-creators of the personal injury field of law and we want to make it the best experience possible.    

The little things that our clients experience after an accident add up.  A gentleman from the northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois described to our personal injury attorneys how he had to hire a lawn service to clear his leaves when this was an activity that he actually enjoyed every autumn.  The man had been in a car accident and fractured his arm. Although he was happy to be alive, he had experienced a loss of freedom.  The accident limited his activities of daily living and his experience was nothing short of dissatisfaction! Our goal is to maximize our clients' compensation for these losses.

A grandmother had trouble lifting her grandchildren after a car accident resulted in a herniated disk in her cervical spine.  This is a sad loss to experience and we understand that. We work hard to highlight these important losses when resolving our clients' personal injury cases.  

We have families and loved ones and are empathetic to what our clients experience.  We pride ourselves on approaching our cases with a sense of compassion.  You have been through a lot already, let us resolve your personal injury case for you in a respectful manner.  Contact us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury case.  Our experienced attorneys are looking forward to meeting with you.  Call our office at (312)327-1840.